Low Stance's Collection page
Media Arts
Jury 2021: A performative piece to showcase how food can bring people together and spark conversation and interaction. People were able to seat themselves at the table and eat some food that gets cooked live in front of them. Before/during/after the performance they were allowed to draw/write on the table cloth about what they felt/thought/experienced during the performance and the food that got served to them. At the end of the piece the table cloths would be presented as a canvas where a collective of artists worked together as a team.
Creative Upcycling: Experimentations with trying to extract pigment from food scraps and use these for ex.paint. This as a way to minimise food waste and create a 'zero waste food chain'. {to be continued}
Creative production section: These are compositions based around recorded sounds.
(For example manipulating recorded pasta sounds).
Click the square to listen!
Beat based around 100% pasta

Piano Soundscape

Foley Exercise
Jury 2022: 'Thankful for bread'
Piazza Armerina (link)